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You searched for: razor blades

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Bleeding man shaves face with razor & sees car of shark predators outside window.
  • Man shopping online on razors website grows long shaggy beard comparing too many reviews and options.
  • Face stud razors leave space so that shaver can avoid face piercing.
  • Razors with multiple blades begin to reproduce naturally.
  • A man is bewildered as razor of the future has more blades than he can count.
  • Three razorback's split a hare amongst themselves.
  • A woman's hairless cat turns out to be a regular cat that shaves itself.
  • People return a defective razor after it cuts off their body parts.
  • A man who works at a machete, razor blade, and notepaper factory gets a paper cut.

You searched for: razor blades